That is the only way that I can describe what I have been through this last week. Since completing my 95lbs deadlift goal and struggling through testing, I have continued with my "game plan" and have been to the gym way more than I ever thought I would. I have started to slowly check off Level One Skills in the back of my WOD book including rowing both 500m in 2min 15sec and 2000m in 9min22sec, I also did my static hang for 30 sec. And although I have had to modify all the workouts still I have been working hard to complete them as best as possible. The WODs have included exercises like push presses, box jumps, wall balls and push ups. I have also been staying on track with my strength training and I am now up to 45 lbs squat and bench as well as a 105 lbs deadlift. My body is achy and sore all over but W keeps saying that "you don't get stronger from lifting heavy weights you get stronger by recovering from lifting heavy weights". If that is true by the time I feel better I will be the freakn' hulk.
Keep up the good work Dana!!