Sunday, February 26, 2012

In like a LION...

As we literally slide (on a pile of fresh snow) out of February and into March my timeline for getting more than one kip is getting a little tight:) Since we are five weeks out from FRAN day, W has decided its time to kick it up into super high gear.  I will be purely WOD-ing my way through to March 31st.  It promises to be a busy month for so many reasons including the five specially designed workouts I will be doing every week, and my attempt at a backwards 30 day pull up challenge.  I also had a moment of insanity and signed up for the CrossFit Open .  With one games workout under my belt I have a pretty good idea of how my adrenaline and nervous energy can affect my workout as well as how it feels to push harder and give until there is nothing left to give.  Here's to a month of  hard ass workouts, testing my limits and good times with my Ignite family.
Team Profile Picture
Click on the link to see my athlete profile
on the CF Games Open wesbite

Monday, February 20, 2012

Introducing CrossFit Red Deer

Coach Flannel has been walking around the gym with his camera over the last couple of we know why.  Hats off to him for capturing the spirit of CrossFit at Ignite Fitness. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


It was a year ago this coming week that W signed himself up for the 2011 CrossFit Open.  Every Saturday for the the following few weeks we spent our morning at the gym.  Looking back it was during that time that I had got my first sip of kool aid and had caught the CrossFit fever.  I cannot remember what moment it happened in, possibly watching Special K push a PR over her head or while cheering on Big C as he gutted out his toes to bar, but it happened.  It was powerful and it drove me to want something more from myself.  And so with this years CrossFit Open just around the corner I thought it would be nice to showcase three stories of inspiration that have got me looking forward to another exciting month of Saturdays....

PS.  I have never used real names before and I am not sure how comfortable I feel about doing it so but who knows you might want to check them out on the Canada West leader board!!!!!

Fancy Nancy
Nancy McKeage is a familiar name and face the CrossFit community will want to watch for this year in Canada West.  Nancy joined CrossFit Red when it opened shortly after the birth of her second daughter and within one year competed in her first ever CrossFit competition.  After placing 13th in the 2010 sectionals followed by 3rd in the regional’s she found herself down in California competing at the Home Depot Centre in her first CrossFit games.  After an eye opening experience the year before Nancy went on to finish 4th (Canada West) and 173rd (worldwide) in the 2011 CrossFit Open.  Barely missing the podium at regional’s with a 5th place finish her dream of travelling to California for the second year in a row was dashed.  But she is back and better than ever! With a more intense training plan and the desire to do it ALL over again Canada West better  watch out because turning 40 in the fall has not slowed down this part time teacher, full time firebreather. 

Author's note: Besides being a rock star CF'er she is also one of the most amazing people I have ever had the privilege to be around.  I am lucky and honoured that she is in my corner every time I get up on that bar to kip or pick up the weights to lift heavy.  I look forward to having her by my side on FRAN day.   

The Blog
Shortly after attending last years Regional’s in Vancouver, Iaian Park, owner of CrossFit Red Deer, returned to Central Alberta inspired.  He knew within the walls of his very own box was a group of exceptional athletes.  People he knew with the right training and motivation could compete.  So he created a blog and invited a group of the top athletes within the community to try something a little different.  This group of devoted competitors, made up of mostly middle age professionals and parents all with a number of other things on their “plates”, have quickly become known as "the bloggers”.  They have spent the last few months intensely training together, competing around central Alberta and becoming a subculture within the gym in preparation for the Open.  They hope to able to qualify and compete as a team and most importantly defy the myth that age matters.    

Nurse T

Since its inception, the 10 am CrossFit Red Deer Momma's class has had one very special member.  Trysta Pleasants has been a enthusiastic member at Ignite Fitness since it opened its doors and has remained a loyal CrossFitter with a clear goal of getting to the Home Depot centre ever since .   Despite her age difference with the other women in class she quickly became part of this very tight knit group of moms with CrossFit fever.  At only 21 years old,  Trysta is truly a super girl.  She is not only one of the up and coming faces to watch for in the local CrossFit scene but also a full time nursing student who is set to graduate next winter, a  dedicated mom, a helpful volunteer, a loving fiance, caring sister, cherished daughter and solid friend. 
 This fall, even at 9 months pregnant, with her two young toddlers in tow Trysta slowed down for no one and no WOD.  She was literally barefoot and pregnant butter flying and thrusting her way through workouts almost right up until the day before she gave birth. It is no coincidence that the pregnant girl with a sub 10 Fran time only took 2 hours to give birth to a beautiful baby boy, Gage Dayrl Ponneroth. 
It wasn’t too long after that her newest addition made his debut at the box.  And as soon as Trysta got the ok from her doctor she jumped right back in, anxious to start her competitive training.  She paced herself and hoped that she would have time to get Games ready.  Then tragedy struck.   At only four weeks old her precious baby boy passed away suddenly. 
News of her terrible loss shook the CrossFit Red Deer community.  As the Ignite family rallied around Trysta, the collective heart ached for her. The day of the funeral the community  chose to honour her little man as only a CrossFit family can, a workout in his name.  GAGE will be by far the most challenging, significant and important benchmark workouts posted on that board. 
 It is hard to fathom what she could possibly be going through.  But in true fire breather fashion Trysta showed us why she is known around the box for her steel determination and iron clad resolve.  It seemed like this super girl was actually a super WOMAN.  With poise, strength, resilience and her goals still clear in her mind Trysta returned to her CrossFit roots and is planning on healing by sweating.  With her sights still set on competing in this year’s Open and hopefully achieving what she has dreamed of since the beginning, to compete alongside the fittest on earth at this year’s CrossFit Games.  

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Why every grade 10 girl should CrossFit.

I am reminded, as I go back into the classroom, that being a teenage girl is tricky business.   Last week I stood in front of a room full of grade 10s and noticed some pretty common themes among the young ladies sitting opposite me.  There was the typical bad boxed dye jobs, the over the top muffin tops, the "isn't smoking sort of uncool this day and age" smoky breath, the false bravado and the "I am a bitch on wheels" fake confidence.  When coupled with a dangerously low self esteem and the terrible ideas about how to get those prepubescent boys to pay attention to them you get yourself a girl who is one bad choice away from loosing what little self respect and self confidence she had left.  You ask them what they love to do and their answer is to "party".  Hmmmmm.....

After spending the last year living and breathing CrossFit, I am starting to believe that maybe these young ladies need more than a pamphlet, public health announcement and firm lecture.  They could use a big ol' dose of Kool-aid.  

I would argue that CrossFit makes more than athletes, it changes lives and it inspires you to be the best person you can be.  It fosters the development of a positive body image by reinforcing the idea that being powerful is sexy.  It inspires feelings of belonging to a healthy, supportive community.  Its empowering to know that you have trained your mind and body and can push yourself to your limit .  It teaches a person that when you set a goal and work at it you can achieve it.  And it rewards those who show up, work hard and stay committed.  CrossFit is more than an exercise class and might be the type of life training these young ladies could use to help them learn to love, cherish and respect themselves.
CrossFit Kids action
Taken from CrossFit Kids Newsletter

Monday, February 6, 2012


Here is an quotation that coach IA2 shared with me today.....the very first line is something I need to start to remind myself everyday!

"It's not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.  The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood."
                                                                                                                          -Theodore Roosevelt-