In just a short six month period Miss M has developed a textbook case of the terrible two's soon to become the frightful three's, J Dawg has grown out of the larvae stage and is on the cusp of becoming a mobile monster and I, well I have totally transformed my life. OK that is a little melodramatic but considering where I was at when J Dawg was just a hatch ling its hard to believe where I have gotten. There have been the measurable, noticeable, external changes like my body, my strength, my ability to do the workouts quicker some even closer to prescribed but the dramatic changes are the internal ones, the part of my brain where there was once apathy and doubt about being active and eating well has been replaced by a deep desire to live and be the healthiest me I can be. Fancy Nancy had put it best one day when she reminded me what I was really doing wasn't about FRAN, it was more about the commitment I was making to change the way I lived my life and that I was changing my path and by starting to take better care of myself, what I was doing really wasn't just for me but for my husband, my kids, and our future.
Don't get me wrong the journey so far hasn't been all free flow lanes and green lights, there has been the fair share of potholes, speed bumps and detours. True to Darwin's Theory of Evolution, the ones who don't adapt won't survive and there were times when my survival seemed ill fated. The challenges seem to come no matter how prepared or organized I seemed to be. Sometimes I lost the ability to see the big picture in the last six month and there were times where I got caught up in a failure and focused on what wasn't working, what was too hard or how much trouble it was instead of slowing down, celebrating my progress and then adapting. There are things I wish I had done differently like take a before picture and write down more about my workouts at the beginning. But there is lots I am proud of too and wouldn't change, like the decision to start working out at home more so that J could have a better morning nap or starting this blog :)
I am looking forward to what the next six months bring....hopefully an unassisted pull up!!!! YIKES
Keep up the good work Dana!! I think it's so great what you are doing and how you've stuck with it!